Keeping Your Dog Happy And Healthy

Keeping Your Dog Happy And Healthy

Symptoms of a UTI That Should Have You Rush Your Pup to A Veterinary Hospital

Unlike children, your pet cannot voice what they are going through. Thus, when they fall ill, it is up to you to read their body language and interpret if they are in pain. One of the ways of doing this is by familiarising yourself with symptoms of the most common ailments that dogs develop since this can help you determine if you can soothe their discomfort with a ho

4 Things To Consider When Choosing a Vet Clinic

As a pet parent, the health of your pet is incredibly important. This makes the decision on the best vet clinic a crucial one. You need a vet clinic that both you and your pet are comfortable with. The decision should take into account the accreditation of the clinic, location, staff and working hours. One pro tip would be to visit the vet clinic in advance, understan

3 Nutrition Tips to Help a Dog with Kidney Disease

Canine kidney disease may be serious, but it's not a death sentence. With the right care, your beloved pooch can still live a happy life for a long time to come. Part of giving your dog the right care is making sure you feed him or her the right pet food. Nutrition is a key part of preventing kidney disease from getting worse or causing complications. Here are three f

The Pros And Cons Of Desexing A Male Alaskan Malamute

An Alaskan Malamute puppy is an ideal addition to any family. This breed of dog is smart, friendly and great with kids. However, as is true with any type of dog, when the puppy reaches six months of age, you need to decide whether to desex it or not. As a first-time owner of a male Malamute puppy, there are pros and cons associated with the desexing decision. Here are

Why You Should Tell Your Vet if Your Cat Stays Indoors

A growing number of cat owners choose to keep their pets indoors, not allowing them to wander outside alone or come and go as they please. While there are a number of reasons strict house cats are becoming more common, most of them come down to increased safety. Despite the risk of some health problems being lower, indoor cats can have some unique issues of their own.